we received our lovely holiday craft exchange package yesterday. we were getting ready to go see santa (which ended up a being a big flog), and i saw that we had mail waiting for us. in the bundle was a package. arden immediately wanted to open this package because the cover was a winter scene with disney characters (if i remember my cartoons correctly). i realized, upon looking at the return address, that this was a special package :) and i immediately ripped out of arden's hands and told her to back off! haha
no really, i got so excited to be getting a secret santa type gift. i did take the package from arden and told it was something special for momma to open. of course, she just wanted the envelope so i handed it over once it was emptied.
the ornaments we recieved from delightful insanity are lovely. in their note they said that they are better at making food and candy, but i think these three ornaments are perfect.

thank you amanda and t. for our little gifties, i hope yours arrive soon :) thank you also to the ladies at AAOL for doing this again this year. what a wonderful way to meet other bloggers :)
i hope everyone has a very happy holiday season.